Gogo Inflight Internet, the new service that lets you surf the internet, get email, and use your mobile device while cruising at 30,000 feet at 500 mph, is offering a 50% discount on your first use through August 31, 2009.
Gogo promises that “if you can wi-fi, you can gogo.” The service is available on select AirTran, American Airlines, Delta, and Virgin America flights, and more are being added every day! It works with smartphones and other hand-held devices equipped with wi-fi, offered by all major U.S. carriers. Platforms supported include: BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Apple, and Nokia (Symbian S60).
How does it work? Once the aircraft reaches 10,000 feet and the captain gives the okay to turn on portable electronic devices, just turn on your wi-fi, connect to the gogo inflight signal, then simply launch your web browser and sign up. Gogo has more a mobile broadband network of ground towers covering the entire sky above the continental U.S. that allows you to browse the web, send email, even make cell phone calls on mobile devices. Cost for the service ranges from $5,95 for flights of up to 1.5 hours, $9.95 for flights of 1.5 to 3 hours, and $12.95 for flights of more than three hours. Passes are also available for 24-hour and 30-day time periods.
To take advantage of the half-price offer, create a Gogo account prior to traveling. The next time you fly with a participating airline, go to the Gogo website once you are airboorne and launch the service. Enter the following code: 158FLF7365 and the discount will be applied to your first purchase.
American Airlines is also offering FREE Gogo Inflight Internet access through the summer with promo code AAWiFi80208A2. Thanks to my friend Donna Hull at My Itchy Travel Feet for this tip!
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I’m going to CA in 10 days and wonder if I could use it. I will be on AA. It sounds great. Thanks for the info.