I drove up to the Outer Banks NC on Monday in record time – just under 14 hours, including four stops for gas. As I neared my destination, the landscape changed to the swampy coastal plain that constitutes much of Tyrell and Dare Counties. I’d forgotten how pretty the Outer Banks is in the spring. My route led through a landscape of roadside canals where turtles line up on bleached logs, soaking up the sun’s rays. As the sun set, the water reflected liquid gold and the marsh grasses turned a dazzling rich hue of green. As I came around one bend, I gasped at the spectacle before me. A row of low-hanging clouds, pink and bronze in the setting sun, looked like a procession of angels with their wings spread wide, blessing the landscape through which I traveled.
Unfortunately, I also forgot how cold it can be on the Outer Banks in spring. I had checked with my friends prior to leaving, asking what the weather was like, and was assured that short sleeve tops and Capri pants would be just fine. No, I wouldn’t need a jacket. But by the time I hit North Carolina, the temps had dropped to the point where I was mighty chilly pumping gas. And by the time I rolled onto the Outer Banks proper, I was sick with a sore throat that blossomed into a full blown sinus infection. To be fair, the middle of the day is quite nice, but it’s just too darn cold here for me most of the time. On the other hand, having this cold provides me with an excuse not to work too hard and just enjoy the sunny midday weather.
Strange, but I live in Florida and I think I’ve been two the beach twice during the past five months. I’ll probably go back home with much better with tan than I would get in Florida. Now, there’s something really wrong with that!