PHOTO: Riding a Troll Car to the Foot of Norway’s Briksdal Glacier

Taking a Troll Car to the Briksdal Glacier in Norway

Glaciers might be a dime a dozen in Norway, but I know of no other place in the world where I could get to one in a “Troll Car.” Actually, these 7-seater open-air buggies have only been transporting tourists to the foot of the Briksdal Glacier since 2004. For 100 years prior to that, farmers carted visitors through the fjord by horse and carriage.

The weather was grey and threatening rain on the day my Collette tour group arrived, but I wasn’t about to let a little bit of bad weather deter me. I snagged the front seat in one of the Troll Cars and whipped out my camera, intending to film the ride. The driver climbed in beside me and handed me a blue tarp. “You’ll need this,” he said. I thought he was worried about the rain. Since I had my hoodie pulled up over my head, I shoved the tarp down into the well around my feet. Within moments of heading out, the gravel path began snaking around the massive, roaring waterfall that emanates from the foot of the glacier. Gusty winds whipped waves of spray into the air. By the third turn I’d yanked the tarp up to my neck. There would be precious little filming that day.

At the end of the improved road, I left the Troll Car for a short walk on a mostly level path. It led to a turquoise glacial lake, above which hung the Briksdal Glacier. From an altitude of 4,000 feet, the cool blue glacier plunged down a craggy stone V in the mountains. The raging river that spewed from its foot cut a path through the gorgeous Briksdalen Valley. I was awestruck.

The 1.5-hour round trip left sufficient time to walk to the lake and stroll along the beach, but not a lot of time to dilly dally. I could have stayed longer and walked back down, but didn’t want to risk being late for our departing bus. My Troll Cart awaited. I climbed back in and pulled my tarp up, this time knowing what to expect. For those of you hankering for more, I suggest this video.

Author’s note: I was a guest of Collette during my Spectacular Scandinavia tour. However, the receipt and acceptance of complimentary items or services will never influence the content, topics, or posts in this blog. I write the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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