8 thoughts on “PHOTO: Making Rakia from Local Grapes in Yasna Polyana, Bulgaria”

  1. I learned to enjoy and appreciate the finer points of drinking rakia during my time in Bulgaria, tastings it in small sips alternating with a non-alcoholic side drink, usually “limonada” or the like, and always with a snack such as peanuts or cheese. It’s strong, but a fine taste, nothing at all like turpentine! As a social matter, rakiya is only to be praised and admired.

    • LOL, Ira, I did decline and my hosts accepted my alcohol allergy with grace. Reading that it tastes like turpentine makes me glad I’m allergic to alcohol.

    • Hi Corinne – you’re at an advantage to me – I don;t drink so I can only sniff and wonder what it tastes like. My bet is that it’s pretty strong.


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