4 thoughts on “PHOTO: Vista Along the Bow Valley Parkway in Banff National Park, Canada”

  1. What a breathtaking journey through Banff National Park! Your photos along the Bow Valley Parkway truly capture the stunning beauty and serene landscapes of this incredible destination. Thanks for sharing such a vivid and inspiring travel experience!

  2. Oh, Barb, that’s a wonderful scenic view, but I and some of my friends are RR Buffs, and we all wish you had waited until there was a train on those tracks before snapping your shutter. I think that would add immensley to the impact, and after all, what is a train but a means to TRAVEL!, Eh?

    • Hi Bill: Had to laugh when I read your comment. Believe me, I tried! Waited, waited, and then waited some more, but no train came and it was COLD. Still, you have to admit that the scene is beautiful, even without a train 🙂


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