12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Shenandoah National Park”

  1. I have always wanted to visit that part of the country. We occasionally encounter bears when hiking here in Oregon. They always seem to run as fast as they can in the opposite direction. Not used to humans, I guess.

    Happy WW!

  2. What a beautiful place it is! As it happens, I posted a photo from just down the road a piece on the Parkway. Have a happy holiday…and continued safe travels!

  3. I’ve been looking for a beautiful outside park or other type of excursion on which to take my younger brother (too much video gaming) This might be it! Have you been? I also played but my picture is not nearly as nice =0)

    GiGi – Incrementum’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

    • Hi GiGi – Shenandoah is a gorgeous park with scads of trails leading to canyons, waterfalls, etc. You just have to watch for the bears. I actually encountered one on a trail. We looked at each other, and then he ambled off one direction and I went the other way!


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