Chilies (khursani) at the Kalimati Fruits and Vegetables Market in Kathmandu, Nepal. These exceedingly hot chilies are used in many Nepali recipes. Every Nepali household keeps a stock of these spicy peppers, which can be stored for long periods if ground up and dried. Restaurateurs & residents flock to this wholesale market early every morning to buy fresh fruits and vegetables like the khursani shown above. The market also offers fish from lakes in India, which are delivered fresh every day. The market is estimated to provide between 60% and 70% of the demand within the Kathmandu Valley.
I discovered your blog after a friend referred to it on Facebook. I too travel alone, but started a bit late in life, but no matter! Off soon to India for the fifth time, and possible Nepal. I’ve added your blog to my ‘visit’ list.
Good for you Pat! Travel is a mind-expanding experience.