PHOTO: Humpback Whale Tail in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctica

Humpback whale tail in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctica

Wilhelmina Bay in Antarctica was a serene study in blue and white, with barely a ripple on the water. We were motoring slowly around the bay, soaking in the stunning scenery, when the captain of our Zodiac suddenly cut the motor. He pointed to the starboard. “Over there! A pod of Humpback whales!” I didn’t have his practiced eye. I scanned the surface of the water, looking for any indication of whales. Suddenly, I spotted a telltale rounded back breaking the surface of the water. It rose gracefully, like a black volcanic island being pushed up by invisible forces. Just as quickly the whale dove again, but not before his Humpback whale tail flipped up into the air. It hung there for a moment, as if to wave in greeting, then gracefully and slowly disappeared from sight.

If you enjoyed this photo and mini story about the Humpback whale tail I spotted in Wilhelmina Bay in Antarctica, you may also be interested in my longer story about the icebergs of Antarctica, which includes loads of gorgeous photos.

2 thoughts on “PHOTO: Humpback Whale Tail in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctica”

  1. Your Antarctica trip sounds like such a wonderful experience, Barbara! And this photo is absolutely stunning!!


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