Barbara, your photos are just superb! The color and framing of this one makes it one of your best, I think, although they’ve all be excellent. What camera do you use? Do you do anything to the pictures prior to posting them?
Hi Libbie: Thanks so much for the kind compliment. I’ve always been a photographer but never really took up narrative writing until the last few years, yet my writing gets more notice than my photos, so I always love to hear from people who enjoy my photography. I currently use a Canon T1i, so not a lot of money invested in the body, however I’m a big believer that the camera body is much less important than the lens. I use a Canon 10-22 mm super wide angle lens as my walk-around and carry a Canon 75-300 zoom telephoto that doesn’t even have stabilization on it. Both are super crisp lenses, and I’ve developed a personal signature of shooting in exposures that aim for rich color saturation and high contrast.
I shoot in jpg, large format, high quality, which gives me an image that is 4752?pixels ×?3168 pixels, and then cop down to 500 px x 333 px for the blog. The problem with taking them down to size that will fit on the blog is that because of the high contrast in the original photo, when you take it down to such a small size, the blacks tent to block up and the whites blow out, so I do have to tinker a bit with each photo in order for it to be decent at such a small size. I use Photoshop and generally adjust the levels, curves, highlight/shadow, then sharpen about 25%. A lot of folks these days talk about being purists and say they never do any post processing to their photos, but the way I look at i t, even Ansel Adams dodged and burned his photos in the darkroom, as did I in the days when I was working with film.
Beautiful vibrant colours in this photos
Barbara, your photos are just superb! The color and framing of this one makes it one of your best, I think, although they’ve all be excellent. What camera do you use? Do you do anything to the pictures prior to posting them?
Hi Libbie: Thanks so much for the kind compliment. I’ve always been a photographer but never really took up narrative writing until the last few years, yet my writing gets more notice than my photos, so I always love to hear from people who enjoy my photography. I currently use a Canon T1i, so not a lot of money invested in the body, however I’m a big believer that the camera body is much less important than the lens. I use a Canon 10-22 mm super wide angle lens as my walk-around and carry a Canon 75-300 zoom telephoto that doesn’t even have stabilization on it. Both are super crisp lenses, and I’ve developed a personal signature of shooting in exposures that aim for rich color saturation and high contrast.
I shoot in jpg, large format, high quality, which gives me an image that is 4752?pixels ×?3168 pixels, and then cop down to 500 px x 333 px for the blog. The problem with taking them down to size that will fit on the blog is that because of the high contrast in the original photo, when you take it down to such a small size, the blacks tent to block up and the whites blow out, so I do have to tinker a bit with each photo in order for it to be decent at such a small size. I use Photoshop and generally adjust the levels, curves, highlight/shadow, then sharpen about 25%. A lot of folks these days talk about being purists and say they never do any post processing to their photos, but the way I look at i t, even Ansel Adams dodged and burned his photos in the darkroom, as did I in the days when I was working with film.