PHOTO: Hydro-Geothermal Deposits of Dallol, in Northeast Ethiopia

Dallol, officially one of the remotest places on earth, is located in the Danakil Depression in northeast Ethiopia. It is known for its otherworldly hydro-geothermal features that include acidic sulfur lakes, geysers, and bizarrely colored mineral deposits.

Dallol, officially one of the remotest places on earth, is located in the Danakil Depression in northeast Ethiopia. The area is known for its otherworldly hydro-geothermal features that include acidic sulfur lakes, geysers, and bizarrely colored mineral deposits. Though technically listed as a settlement by the government, Dallol is no longer inhabited. Other than nomadic … Read more

PHOTO: Camel Caravan on the Salt Flats in Ethiopia’s Danakil Depression

Camel caravan plods across salt flats in Ethiopia's Danakil Depression

Initially, I thought the line of brown bumps were cliffs on the distant horizon. But as our jeep sped across Ethiopia’s infinite salt flats in the Danakil Depression, I realized the bumps were moving. Moments later our driver pulled over and invited us to step out into 115 degree temperatures to watch the first camel … Read more

PHOTO: Green Hills in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley are Home to the Dorze Tribe

This stunning landscape in the foothills above Arba Minch, Ethiopia, is home to the Dorze Tribe

Many of the indigenous peoples that inhabit southern Ethiopia have settled in the lowlands, but members of the Dorze Tribe prefer to live in the mountains that surround the Great Rift Valley. Twelve Dorze villages are scattered across these mountains, each nestled in a green glade like the one shown in the above photo. The … Read more

PHOTO: Mursi Woman with Lip Plate in the Southern Omo Valley of Ethiopia

Mursi woman with lip plate in the Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia.

The Mursi people are among the least developed of the 56 indigenous tribes that inhabit the southern Omo Valley in Ethiopia. I visited this tribe during a day trip into the remote Mago National Park. Thick, black mud sucked at my shoes as I walked among chest-high straw huts scattered around a small clearing. There … Read more